Fixing an error reported in website analyzer..

Started by retsced, December 17, 2011, 11:34:39 AM


Hey Guys, just a quick question,

I came across this validation output error message when using A1 Website Analyzer (well, i actually came across many)...  :-\

Line 2, Column 143: end tag for element "B" which is not open</b> on line <b>2746</b><br />

I just wanted to know 2 things..

1) how do i find this line and column, if it's on my sever can you direct me to it please. When i go to "query.php and scroll down to line 2746, i do not see any problems.
2) If i find this offending character, do i just delete it.

I'm having terrible problems with my permalink structure and it has cost me all my rankinkings across all my websites, can you help a noob out with this?

Thank you so much if you answer this post.


both the page-by-page and site-wide CSS and HTML validation part in A1 Website Analyzer wraps around W3C HTML and CSS validation service. (Or alternatively Tidy which is faster, but not as good.) It sounds like you are using W3C. For more details see:

To find the proper line/column you first need to look at the outputted source through e.g. the browser or A1 Website Analyzer. For more info see:

However, HTML output to browser clients and crawlers are often generated by *multiple files* at the server, so you may have to find the error in a different file/line/column depending on how your website has been coded. (Browsers, crawlers etc. see the HTML outputted by the files on the server.)

The error you are getting by W3C simply means you had a </b> without a starting <b>
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