is there is any time period for indexing a site?

Started by Citywebpuneind, December 10, 2021, 07:49:02 AM


My website still nor index from last 1 Month, give me some suggestions.


It depends on Google and your website structure if it meets with Google guidelines and each URLs is easily accessible to google and has unique content with good UX then Google will index your site very quickly.


Generate a site map and add to the backend of your site and submit the site map or in Google webmaster, you can request for indexing the webpage one by one.  Still, if it's not indexing contact hosting your hosting provider to check if any code is blocking your site indexation. :)


After a page URL is known, it can take some time (up to a few weeks) before Google crawls some or all of your site. Indexing is never instant, even when you submit a crawl request directly.


Although it varies, it seems to take as little as 4 days