bbpress plug in ? - wordpress multi plug in ?

Started by mikaelch, March 09, 2011, 05:09:20 PM


Are these 2 things are not the same and what is the best show I must extend my current wordpress page ... it is a normal temperature. 3.1 themes wordpress on my website

Available bbpresss it as plug

Is there a gallery and everything in both separate blogs and create

Profiles are listed below with some categories standard info in a row, this can be done
user photo
Can be added star video profile shows
possibly. extra fields

Are there fields in which both can change so they are easily adapted to my needs to profiles, so that can stand ages show type of experience, etc..


As far as I know:

bbpress is a forum made by the same people/company that made wordpress

You can get plugins that integrate them, but they are not the same. Not sure how well they work together, I gave up on the idea myself a couple of years ago.

I am pretty sure you can get gallery plugins to both WordPress and bbPress. I am not entirely sure if WordPress is strong enough CMS for "profile" pages like you need (still better match than bbPress IMO), but try search for plugins. I can't recomend any in particular, but would be interested in hearing if you found some particular good gallery plugins (have some friends doing paintings as hobby who might benefit from a WordPress blog + Gallery plugin)

Maybe in your case you should search for something like an extended profile plugin for WordPress? (while your website is not e.g. a dating site, the profile needs are somewhat similar) You could also investigate if e.g. Joomla or similar larger CMS systems come with plugins for profiles.
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thanks for sharing these plug in because I have been finding these plug in last three month finally i got it from your post, great post.