Different website elements and its design

Started by lillianabe, January 27, 2012, 01:43:26 AM


Web design is not one unit which needs to get created in one single process. It is process of creating design for different main elements of website and integrating them together in website which created professional look of website. Below we are discussing about different elements of website and scenario and concept for its design.

Header of the website: this is the part which gets highlighted first on website when anyone visits. Most of the websites use this part as introduction to their business & services or for special discount or promotion. Creation of header may require designing different small things like Promotional banners, moving animation, navigation or any other object for interactive design.

Font type and Style: To represent your content, it is necessary to choose the font style supported by all browser and which improve the readability of the content. Designer used to have common style for main content and trendy style for special sentence or quote in the content. Designer has to make sure that the font he is using is suitable for people with different age group.

Graphics & images: Graphics and images have vital role in its design and effective use is the key feature to make difference in design from others. Each and every small object on web page from small buttons to large header image, graphic have its crucial role in its look and impact.

Footer: Most of the time this part have simple design with single color background and use for showing company information, policy  and important links useful for your visitors to get more information about your business or website.

CSS & HTML: These two are the base after visual presentation of each and every thing on website. CSS used to define custom style where HTML uses for basic programming.


Web style is not one device which needs to get designed in one individual procedure. It is procedure of developing style for different primary components of web page and developing them together in web page which designed expert look of web page.


Very nice and informative post i found here.


Web design is a vital part of website development involving the presentation of content in a well suited design and layout. It involves giving your clients the best interface and navigation system for them to move from one page to the other of your website.


Different website elements and its design should be
2)Choose your style
3)Choose your page layout
4)Easy to read
5)Understanding images
6)Smaller is better