Hello, Forwarded website, not safe

Started by joshuak314, February 15, 2021, 09:27:08 PM


Hello everyone,

Just had a problem I haven't been able to solve. I purchased a domain, "wakeupdoc.life" and I forwarded to a calendly url "https://calendly.com/dr-francisyoo" with masking.

When I go on the site using the https://calendly.com/dr-francisyoo url it is fine but when I use wakeupdoc.life, it says not safe. By running it through whynopadlock.com the problem seems to be that my SSL certificate does not match my domain name. How would I go about fixing this? I used Godaddy.com to purchase the wakeupdoc.life domain.

Thank you for your help!


Hi Joshua,

After setting up the domain forwarding, how long did you wait before testing it?

It takes time for the domain forwarding process to fully complete, so I always recommend waiting at least a few hours, but preferably 24 hours, to test it out and make sure it functioning properly.

I just tested it myself and had no errors.

Let me know if you're still experiencing an issue on your end or have any questions!
Jonathan Buckley