How to design website for Smart phone and tablet PC

Started by lillianabe, December 14, 2011, 04:24:06 AM


Tablet pc and smart phone have different mobile screen, browser, internet bandwidth, restricted flexibility of OS and screen resolution. Developing website for these gadgets require little more care than general website. Below are some of my thoughts we should apply while developing

One column layout :
As small screen and without mouse, one column architecture will be more convenient to users as they need to scroll down vertically only. Both vertical and horizontal scroll down can cause headache to users.

Simple vertical navigation:
As flat architecture you need to have simple navigation to access other pages easily. Check with different screen size and choose best one

Use of Limited Bandwidth and high data transfer rate :
Users from these devices get limited bandwidth to access internet.Keep the data transfer rate high for these users so your website retrieve elements very quickly.

If Possible use Separate CSS for mobile
: If you don't have separate website for mobile , try to use different CSS as per above points.

Check for the well performance in other handsets as well
: Don't just taste on one phone or device taste it from other handsets of different companies.


Web sites or web pages are generally use HTML markup language for creating design. There are some stander which we have to follow for creating web sites. For this you have little bit knowledge about programming language and database also.


Hello there ,I also want more information about this so please any one guide me for this.