The structure of SEO friendly website

Started by Delois, July 10, 2012, 03:08:51 AM


The manner in which a website is designed and the" navigation" are amongst the two major aspects that could revolutionize the complete course for SEO. The design of a website is the first thing that is essential and the same applies to SEO. If the website is designed keeping in mind all the fundamentals, then,  the probability of getting good ranking  in the search engines are higher and similarly navigation also plays a vital role for the visitors and the bots too. Though, there is prosperity of things that matter but these will form the most significant among them.


Yes,Navigation is very important so that people can go one page to another very easily.You can put unique content on web pages because content is very important factor in seo.Make your title and meta tags relevant and unique because title matters for search engines.You should do keyword stuffing very carefully.That will be a structure of SEO friendly website.One more thing optimize your images,do not use heavy java script and more flash content because many search engines are not able to read java scripts...


Well said.  In my opinion, the website should have a great and quality content with correct keyword.

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