What is DHTML? How does differ from HTML?

Started by mark.smith836, August 13, 2012, 10:28:33 AM


DHTML is the process of developing dynamic and interactive web pages and mixture of HTML, CSS (Cascade Style Sheet), DOM (Document Object Model) and JavaScript.
HTML abbreviation for hyper text markup language while DHTML (dynamic hyper text markup language). HTML is often used in developing static pages while DHTML is often used in developing dynamic web pages.
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HTML is  a language but DHTML is not a language but it is a technology,It stands for Dynamic HTML and it's using HTML, CSS and Javascript together to create web pages that are not static displays only, but the content is actually dynamic in response to what a visitor does on a page.HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the actual markup language web pages are displayed in.With the help of HTML we can create static pages