What is the importance of Bootstrap in a website?

Started by mvminfotech, October 01, 2018, 01:43:43 AM


Using bootstrap for web development will increase your productivity ten times, if you're a core programmer starting from scratch and designing is pain well bootstrap is the solution. Following are some benefits :
1. Automatic Responsiveness
2. Bootstrap Grids
3. Pre-styled Components
4. Easy to use and customize
It's not mandatory but if you can use bootstrap it will help you develop your web application fast.


Here are some importance of Bootstrap in a website given below;
1. Bootstrap Grids
2. Easy to use and customize
3. Pre-styled Components
4. Automatic Responsiveness


Bootstrap is a framework that will help you design web sites quicker and less difficult. It includes HTML and CSS primarily based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, picture carousels, and so on. It also gives you assist for JavaScript plugins