What makes a perfect website?

Started by spinxwebdesign, June 15, 2012, 02:27:58 AM


In this competitive world, business owners have to face tough competition and to go ahead in business, companies are now turning towards online business website. Many people have skills to make a website for your company but in this era having just good website is not enough. It must be powerful to provide services to its users. Unique Content, design and optimization are three most important features that make your website perfect.

Unique content: Unique and original content differentiate your website from other websites which attracts more and more people. Keep updating your content of website which can generate a good traffic for website.

Design & look: Good and classy looking website attracts more people. Website with proper navigation controls and site map for pages helps visitors to moving from one page to another.

Optimization: Optimized website helps you to get attention of search engines. To get good ranking you have to do on site and off site optimization for your site.


Yes making a good site is easy but costly, but if you use SEO tools than you maintain and increase website traffic.


I think making website is easy. But attracting visitors words it is the tough part. Ot's one of my challenge at the moment.


If you want to make interesting website then you can use PHP. It is scripting programming language and is very helpful you to making dynamic website.


If you want to make interesting website then you can use asp.net. It is a easy to understand language and is very helpful you to making dynamic website.


If you want makes a perfect website.. You use the Impressive images and designing and some different CSS form other and using Powerful look of website by using less size image but attractive looking.!
That's causes more people visit your side...!!!And Increasing your rating.!!!



When you're thinking about what makes a good website, you first need to examine your goals.Without a clear focus and particular goals, your site will never reach its full potential.
I think there are three things on which you have to focus:-

a)Content :-
You need good, quality content.by all means, offer your site visitors some unique web content.

b)Visual Design :-

Professional website design can make your site stand out from the crowd.

c)Organization :-

The technical name for this is "information architecture." It has to do with how you arrange all the content on your site.

This makes your webiste "PERFECT"......


A perfect brain, perfect matching, good art makes a perfect website.
Must buy a best domain. Photoshop is one of the best part of web design.
After all good creativity can makes a good website.


Develop web site and host it on server is not only enough bus as well as you have to handle it and maintain. You should update your site in particular time period.  Most important thing is that website performance and speed. you should promote your website for getting more traffic.


Develop your website which load fast, content must be user friendly, seo user friendly website, images in jpg format, and has client testimonial. Include valuable information to get approach from people.


There are many criteria to define perfect website. If you are talking from Client view then I can say Design should be Attractive, the website flow should be easy, User-Friendly navigation, etc..
If you are talking from search engine view then I can say your content should be Unique, keyword density of your web page should be as per SEO rules, etc...
So these are my thoughts if you want to ask on any particular way then you can ask me any time, Im here to help you.


If you want to make perfect website then try to prefer Wordpress. Wordpress is something which is really helpful to get develop your website easily.


A perfect platform means a language which provides you lots of functional for creating your website more attractive,more flexible,more light and  the content provided on website that depends on the  interest on visitors. and right data base make you website perfect.