I am using website downloader 3.2.7 and i want to download a website for upload to a server, so I am asking website downloader to convert links to relative links.
This is fine, except there are many pages on the site with youtube video embeds. Downloader is converting the links within the embed code to relative links. Also it is converting the long video url's into shortened versions - it will replace a long string of characters with someting like w51.
Are there options where I can tell downloader to leave youtube links alone, or at least stop altering the urls for the videos?
Can you give me the websites address (PM/email/write-here)
thanks, I've sent you a pm
Received :)
A general reason for A1 Website Download to "touch" external links is that many websites use images hosted externally.
(Will probably have to create some kind of option that makes it easy to get A1WD to ignore certain external URLs.)
For the benefit of others:
http://www.microsystools.com/products/website-download/all-versions.php (http://www.microsystools.com/products/website-download/all-versions.php)
After installing you have to configure your download project.
File | New Project
In "Scan website | Download options"
Disable/uncheck the option called:
"Download used images and similar residing on external domains"
(3.2.8 beta fixes an issue there was with that option)