Diffrance between BLACK,WHITE & GRAY HAT SEO?

Started by newon, December 23, 2011, 09:05:04 AM


Hi Friends,

i am doing seo from last few months but i am not aware of black, white, or gray seo.

i had read in one site, there is three types of seo. and they are displayed these three.

Request you to let me know about these three.

Thank You in advance..... Best wishes for you all.


White hat SEO is purely ethical SEO technique which done by following all search engine guidelines on the other hand black hat SEO is unethical SEO technique which is not follow search engines guidelines, your website may benne by search engine for using black hat seo techniques. Gray hat SEO is combination of white hat and black hat SEO techniques.


under the search engine policies is white hat, not under the search engine is black hat, and technique under white hat and black hat is grey hat.
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Blackhat seo is totally unethical and avoidable techniques. It includes: duplicate content, keyword stuffing, cloaking, doorway pages, hidden link etc which attempt to make fool the search engine and spiders and not so useful for the visitors.

White hat is the valid techniques of SEO which includes all the organic process of website creation, link building and driving traffic.

Gray hat seo falls between white and black hat. In this situation, the web page wouldn't be banned but can't get any PR.


Grey hat seo is a comic and there is nothing like this. Same as there is nothing between Good and Evil.

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Black Hat is completely illegal form of SEO technique, and White is completely legal form of SEO technique.... Whereas, Grey Hat is a combination of Black Hat and White Hat; that means it is half legal and half illegal SEO technique......   ;D   :)


I only choose to use whitehat SEO...it's tiring for short term...but worth it for a long term...you might get your blog deindex by the search engine if you do not know the right way to do that...


Black hat is unethical seo techniques which doesn't follow google norms and regulations, whereas white hat seo is an ethical way of doing the techniques. And gray hat seo is between the white hat seo and black hat seo.


 Black hat seo raises the ranking of a page in an unethical manner and moreover Google never supports it. In white hat seo, ranking increases in a proper way and according the work. Google always like white hat seo. Gray hat seo is the combination of both.


according to polices of the search engine techniques are categories in 3 different ways, balck hat is unethical and not like by the search engine and not even under the policies of the search engine, white hat is completely ethical and under the policies. and the techniques between black hat and white hat and somehow follow the polices to some extend are Grey hat.   
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Black hat SEO is also called spamming at any fourm or blog. Forum admin does not like those member who try to spam and post unethical commenting.
It is the fastest way to increase traffic and website promotion.

Alma Mott

Gray and Black hat SEO does not follow any guidelines, they aggressively use SEO strategies and tactics while white hat SEO is the other way around.

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