What is Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO?

Started by psqinfo, February 13, 2012, 05:16:38 AM


What is Black and White hat seo and also what are the advantages and disadvantages?


Black Hat SEO uses the unethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. It means Black hat SEO is a short-sighted result to a long-term problem. Black hat SEO breaks the search engine rules and regulations.

White Hat SEO uses the ethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. White Hat SEO always follows the search engine rules and regulations.

Check the follow link for advantage and disadvantage of Black Hat and White Hat SEO.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.


Black hat SEo is done in an unethical manner . It is used for the instant ranking and Google do not like it and in case if Google caught your site will be banned. Ranking in black hat seo lasts for a small time. White hat seo is done in a manual way and gives result slowly , so it requires  hard work. Ranking in white hat seo lasts for a long time.


White hat seo - It is the right way to get traffic to your website and google loves this way of attaining links.
Black hat seo - It is the right way to get kicked away by google and go disappeared from ranking. It gives temporary hype but not good for the long run.

Nichole Green

Black Hat SEO are the techniques which are illegal in term of search engine and if we use it then we should definitely get penalized by the search engines.... while White Hat SEO are the techniques which are legal in the terms of search engines.....


In black hat SEO the SEO is done using techniques which are not under the polices of the search engine, the main advantage of this is it show result fast, but disadvantage is that its is not liked by the search engine, and site may get penalized and loose ranking, and where are White hat SEO is done totally using techniques under the polices of the search engine, you can't be penalizes by using this, butfor the results you have to wait
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White hat seo is the good way to do Seo and Google likes it. Google loves only manual work. White hat seo gives slow result but its ranking remain for a long time but in black hat seo the work is done in an unethical manner and its ranking remain for a small time.


Black hat SEO and white hat SEO both are seo techniques, black hat seo used for sort term marketing and it can create targeted traffic on the website but black hat seo break all the rules and regulation of seo where as white hat seo used to create more traffic on the website by following rules of seo and it use for long term marketing.


Black hat seo is a illegal techniques which use all the unethical ways to get the higher ranking in the search engine.It does not follow the rules and regulation given by the search engine.While
White hat seo is a very legal technique which always  use ethical ways to get higher ranking in the search engine.It always follows all rules and regulations given by the search engine.


white hat seo techniques are focused on creating of valuable content whereas black hat SEO includes various techniques for unethical increasing of the page rank in the Google search engine.
Jenny Jenna


White Hat SEO is not just about following guidelines, but is about ensuring that the content a search engine indexes and subsequently ranks is the same content a user will see.

Black hat" SEO employs more deceptive methods to try to improve rankings. The search engines usually disapprove these methods. This can range from text that is "hidden", either as text colored similar to the background or by redirecting users from a page that is built for search engines to one that is more human friendly.


White Hat i legal technique used in SEO while Black Hat is illegal technique.


White Hat SEO techniques are based on providing customers with relevant and quality content and making it easily accessible over the internet. Their aim is to satisfy the user and not merely search engines, and this is achieved through following all legal guidelines required to implement SEO.

Black Hat search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. It has the following characteristics,
--breaks search engine rules and regulations
--creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on the Web site
--unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users.


Black Hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines rules.

A White hat SEO (white hat) is called an "ethical stance" that opposes the abuse of electronic media. With aggressive tactic white hat SEO, "not until you reach it sooner" - every time! The white hat SEO is each element you add to your sites, blogs, etc.. that add value and credibility.

1.  Write content GRANDE, single
2.  Set the video / audio sites innovative
3.  Create a "constant community of merit"
4.  You want your site visitors see while a source of value-packed information (keep them coming back for more!)


White Hat SEO:
It is a ethical way to improve your ranking and traffic of your website in search engines using your targeted keywords by natural way means use unique and quality content and build quality backlinks using Link building techniques, for your website. It take some time for provide good results but your results stable for long time.

Black Hat SEO:
It is a unethical way to improve your ranking and traffic of your website in search engines using your targeted keywords by use Black Hat SEO techniques like Spamming, Cloaking, Keyword Stuffing, Hidden Text.. etc. It provide good results fast but your results don't stable for long time because search engines don't allow to use them. If your website caught to use them, your website may be ban or penalize.


Black hat SEO = BAD / evil / demon

White hat SEO = GOOD / angel / saint

Google choose the GOOD. :)


White hat SEO is natural way of promoting site.


No matter what White SEO is the one that Google would really appreciate and would be love.


Black hate SEO also called unethical SEO. White hat SEO is called ethical SEO.  Black hate SEO use short term effect for your site. White hate SEO use long term effect for your site. Several techniques for black hat SEO like Hidden content, keyword stuffing, doorway pages, Link framing etc. White hat SEO techniques like quality content, Title and meta data, keyword research, Quality backlink.


I am on page 1 using White Hat SEO. Speaks for itself really.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.


Black Hat Seo is the wrong wat of doing seo, it make use of tactics that are not in google algo and considered as spamming while white hat seo is the work done totally to google algorithm.


Google is very strict about black hat SEO. They have changed their algorithm.


Black Hat SEO uses the unethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. It means Black hat SEO is a short-sighted result to a long-term problem. Black hat SEO breaks the search engine rules and regulations.


Black Hat SEO is the unethical process of getting higher ranking in the search engine while White Hat SEO is the ethical way to get higher rank in search engine. Black Hat SEO is completely illegal technique while White Hat SEO is totally legal technique.


According to me, White-Hat-SEO is the best way regarding targeted keyword ranking in google search engine, it is very helpful to get organic traffic to your website but Black Hat SEO is very bad.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.
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Black hat seo is the way of promoting the website by illegal tricks and techniques which google does not like. In opposite of this the way of promoting the website by legal methods by following all the rules of google search engine. You should always be with white hat seo.


Black hat seo and white hat seo both techniques are use for the optimization of website for increasing traffic to site and for improving site ranking.
white hat seo uses ethical techniques for improving site ranking in search engine ranking page.
Black hat seo used unnethical techniques for improving site ranking in search engine ranking page. it is an illegal tehnique. we should avoid this technique of seo.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.


Black Hat SEO uses the unethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. It means Black hat SEO is a short-sighted result to a long-term problem. Black hat SEO breaks the search engine rules and regulations.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.


Black hat SEO uses unethical tactics to appear higher in search results. Google is a smart as it ever was these days. Google will detect these practices and ban the sites. White hat SEO uses exceptable practices that do not violate the SE's.


Black hat seo is a illegal techniques While
White hat seo is a very legal technique.
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Sandeep Thakur

Just forget black hat seo, only follow white hat seo for stable ranking and under the T&C of search engine.


Black hat seo is a unethical way to improve your ranking and traffic of your website in search engines by using some techniques like:
Keyword Stuffing
Hidden Text etc,
If any website is consist of such things than Google will de rank such website.
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White hat seo is an ethical way of doing the seo techniques which follow search engine norms and regulations. Whereas black hat seo is an unethical way of doing the seo techniques which doesn't follow search engine rules. It is a spamming technique which gives instant and positive results but for the shorter period of time. Search engine spam that website that using black hat techniques.


White Hat SEO is also called ethical SEO. It is for those who intend to establish a long term investment on their websites. If we are to define White Hat SEO, it is a search engine terminology that refers to the usage of strategies techniques or tactics that focus on human audience. They completely follow the approved and natural ways of traffic building. White Hat go after the Google Webmaster Guidelines. They follow the rules and regulations of search engines which is a very important aspect in terms of website optimization.

Blackhat SEO is about getting higher search rankings in an unethical manner. Further to this one: it envolves "questionable and sometimes illegal search engine techniques"


Quote from: charlesth on February 13, 2012, 08:46:39 AM
Black Hat SEO uses the unethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. It means Black hat SEO is a short-sighted result to a long-term problem. Black hat SEO breaks the search engine rules and regulations.

White Hat SEO uses the ethical techniques to getting the higher search ranking in SERP. White Hat SEO always follows the search engine rules and regulations.

Check the follow link for advantage and disadvantage of Black Hat and White Hat SEO.
Black hat techniques are done in getting fast results also opens way to penalization.Thanks for share.
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White Hat SEO – SEO Methods that conform to search engine Guidelines are White Hat
Black Hat SEO – SEO Methods those are viewed as less acceptable are called Black Hat
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Good information here about black and white hat.


White hat seo is the best technique. It take time and results come after many efforts but it is clean and good way to optimize the site. Black hat SEO is about using blasting software and automated link building tools to spam blogs.


Black hat seo is unethical seo there are many things which are considered to by spam and black hat seo , like cloaking, hidden text, keyword stuffing etc. where as white hat seo is ethical seo other than black hat seo.
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The difference between black hat and white hat seo lies on the ethical standards. Black hat is unethical. It makes use of schemes like article spinning and link building schemes. It's never a safe seo strategy.


White Hat SEO:
It is a ethical way to improve your web page rank through using strategy of search engine and following rules and regulation of search engine by natural ways. It take more time for good result but your result will be stable for long time.

Black Hat SEO:
It is an unethical way to improve your web page rank without following any rule of search engine. By hook and cook they are updating your page rank but it is not legal so some time search engine may ban on such kind of result. It will not stable for long time.


Black Hat SEO is unethical SEO wherein cloacking, keyword stuffing, hidden links are taken into account by search engines. White Hat SEO is ethical and is a pure way to get indexed in search engines.


Black hat seo is not under the rules of search engines while white hat seo is under the rules of search engines this is the main difference between black and white hat seo.


Stuffing or spamming your Meta tags does nothing for your search results except flag your site as one using black hat SEO. Search engines are always on the lookout for spammed Meta tags.
White Hat SEO - Choose a Solid Keyword Phrase
Research your keyword phrase. Choose a solid keyword phrase that accurately represents your page and use it in your Meta tags.


Unethical SEO techniques are Black-hat SEO and ethical SEO techniques are White-hat SEO. It won't be stable always. If google updates its algorithm, considerations of White-hat and Black-hat techniques may vary. For example, once keyword stuffing was allowed by google algorithm but now key word stuffing is considered to be the Black-hat SEO. Its simple to learn to google guidelines to not get banned or penalized by the google.

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