What is Page Jacking?

Started by Alex Thompson, August 07, 2013, 02:17:46 AM

Alex Thompson

Page jacking is the type of stealing the contents of the website by copying those content to the regular sites. After this it invites the people to the illegal site by wrong way. It will open an unwanted sites that users do not require. In case if a user trap in this then he has to escape from it by closing the browser or sometimes need to restar the computer.


Page jacking is a unethical technique of copying content from a website to other in many forms but mostly in the form of source code.  user do this in hope of getting the traffic from the other website to one's own but it is not a legal way of SEO and sometime Google penalize your site for this act.


 page-jacking is the act of stealing content from a website and placing it on your own. It's a bad SEO technique and something that can attract a Panda penalty.


Page jacking is an unethical method in SEO used by some which involves stealing content from one website and publishing it into their own. In page jacking portions or complete pages are copied to manipulate SEO rankings and results.


Page Jacking is the way of BLACK HAT SEO. First of all let me tell you that Page Jacking is wrong techqnice of on page optimization, which is not good according to guidelines of search engines.

In this technique optimizer copy content and then get traffic and move them to another website, which is not related to theme or wrong link. thats Page Jacking.


Page Jacking is a Black-Hat Techniques. Page Jacking means stealing the content from other website and put it into your website. There are always chances to be penalized by Google because Google defined that content as duplicate and can penalized your website.

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