Ajour does not want to install in Window 10 64 Bit

Started by arend, December 02, 2015, 12:29:17 PM


Recently I changed my O.S. from 8 to Windows 10 64 Bit
Unfortunately I cannot install Ajour..
When I try to install, a pop-up frame appears and it says:
Access violation at address 0048AEA7 in module 'Ajour.exe'. Read of address 00000000
After that is tries to find a solution and the program is closed,
then another pop-up frame says: Ajour.exe does not work anymore..
there is a problem so the program does not work anymore.
The program is closed, and a message will appear if a solution is available.

I hope there is a solution, I have used this userfriendly software for many years...



QuoteWhen I try to install, a pop-up frame appears and it says:

You mean, when you try to run Ajour? Just want to be 100% sure

The strange thing is that it works on my Windows 10 64bit

How is options.ini configued? See:
TechSEO360 | MicrosysTools.com  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Thanks for reply, I know how to install software  ;) , but the problems stays as I described..
Let us wait for more users that use Windows 10, I hope they give their experiences...


After installation, when you try to run Ajour

How is the file "options.ini" configued? See:

I am asking because I am wondering if there is a kind of file access violation
TechSEO360 | MicrosysTools.com  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Indtil for ca 3 måneder siden kunne ajour og Chkajour installeres og fungere både under Windows XP og 10.
Nu er Chkajour ophørt med at fungere.http://webhelpforums.net/Smileys/default/cool.gif
Ajour fungerer fortsat.  dog kan man ikke længere stole på ugenummer:    22. okt 2016   ligger som bekendt i uge 42,    mem Ajour hævder, det er uge 43. http://webhelpforums.net/Smileys/default/cry.gif