What is Landing Page?

Started by zinavo, April 01, 2017, 11:06:31 PM


Landing page is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search results. The landing page is usually display directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement search result or link. Landing page is used for lead generation.


a web page which serves as the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website.


In marketing terms, a landing page is a distinct page on your website that's built for one single conversion objective. It's a page within your website built with a single actionable ask that facilitates the completion of that objective.

Koupon Era

A landing page is a special page on your website that's built for one single conversion objective.


A landing page is also called a destination page, is the web page that visitors arrive at after they click the link on a search engine results page.


Landing pages were once the main focus of marketing efforts, so most websites would maintain a few for various campaigns in addition to a home page.

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