Why Bounce Rate Dropped in Analytics..?

Started by michaelthompson, January 31, 2017, 01:17:24 AM


Hello friends,

I want to know that Why Bounce Rate Dropped in Analytics..?


Did you know that a 90% bounce rate is not always a bad thing? For example, imagine you have a page with great content and that content is about a service, or a product you offer and that I need. I come to that page directly from Google SERP, I briefly read the info about your product or service and I was converted into a customer within 45 seconds. Will 45 seconds of me staying on your page and then being converted into a customer bad for you? The answer is NO!

You are the only one (with the help og GA) who can answer your question about why your bounce rate came down drastically. How are you counting your bounce rate? Are your visitors landing on a specific page or your home page?

What I am trying to say is, a lot of factors could be affecting your low bounce rate, and unfortunately, we can only guess because we don't have access to your GA to try to analyze what is happening.


Bounce rate is very important part of any website. dropped bounce rate than improve leads.


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