Are you victim of Panda effect?

Started by lillianabe, March 31, 2012, 06:23:58 AM


Along with over optimization in terms of content present on website, new version of Panda has been released last week and many websites have seem impact on their ranking. Furthermore new symentic search methods also being applied to filter out websites with low quality content. So job of webmaster would include creating content as well need to update quality on regular base.

Have you seen any effect in your ranking?


No, Punda didn't affect my sites.....


Nops, i am not effected by google new panda change. I am still standing with the same ranking.


No, our website is not affected by the Google's Panda Update. However, I have seen many new web hosting companies that were launched a few months ago, got lost from search engine results. Most of them must be resellers.


No it is not effected to my site. To avoid panda effect Keep your sites and its content fresh.
[ URL=]Small business website[/URL]


New algorithm has been updated called penguin. Now it will be penguin effect.
[ URL=]Small business website[/URL]


Well, I am Clear, and I haven't found any affect of Google Panda on my sites because of there are unique and informative content existing on my website. Google Panda, only penalizes to those sites, which one having low quality content.


I recognize fluctuations in my rankings. How can i check up if i got a penalty?
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