difference between SEM and SEO

Started by Black Ninja, November 02, 2011, 01:52:10 AM

Black Ninja

What is the difference between Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?



SEM is only related to traffic either paid or free. It is a form of paid advertising which can guarantee you prominent ranking on the search engine result  and seo is the way of marketing your business online and its helpful to increase the visibility and traffic in your web site.its a cost effective way of marketing your business and increase the search engine ranking in your web site.

Nichole Green

According to me  SEM is like more expensive and quite possibly more targeted and SEO is free (not counting your time of course) and its purpose is to obtain better free search listings.


SEO is the element of the SEM. SEM is an process of marketing your online business through search engine optimization.

SEM is the combination of PayPerClick and search engine optimization strategies, rendering it suitable for the internet marketers to gain instant outcomes whereas SEO is the mixture of lot's of techniques which can useful to improving the visibility of your site on Internet.

SEM is short term Process to getting the results whereas SEO is long term process to getting the results.

Alex Thompson

One of the chief differences between SEO and SMO is that both strategies work for different results. Social media optimization is really helpful way to generate good traffic for your targeted website. However, search engine optimization is the best way to improve your website's visibility in the search engine organic result pages.

Poster Hook

The difference between SEO and SEM is simply that Search Engine Optimization is part of Search engine marketing or Search marketing as it is widely known. Both processes aim in increasing visibility in search engines.

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