What is Google AdSense

Started by Roosje, April 04, 2012, 01:59:05 PM


Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites.


Google adsense is a money generating tool if used smartly. Google adsense is a type of advertising opportunity offered by Google through which you can earn some money only if you own a website or a blog.


Google AdSense is a best technique for earning money without doing anything. Google AdSense allows you to put advertising on the website or in other words it provide facility to put paid link on website and that can increase visibility and traffic on the website.


Yes, you rightly said that it free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites but earning money through Google Adsense is not as easy as it seems because the earnings will also depend on how many visitors you get to your site. The higher your sites traffic the higher the number of ad clicks. Every click earns you money so the more people who click the more money you get.


Through Google AdSense we can do Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Ad center, Bidvertiser ,AdBrite, Infolink. Adsense is a contextual advertising website where they automatically match the ads based on the content of your site. You can earn by

1. Pay per click - this is the common way to earn which is you earn every time a visitor clicks on your ads
2. Pay per impression - an advertiser can specifically target your site and show ads where you earn via cost per 1,000 impression (e.g. you earn every time someone sees your ad, even though they don't click on it)


Good adsence is one type of earning money plant without any investment.


Google AdSense is a free services and best way for website marketers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites.


Google Ad Sense provide long term benefits and easy way to earn money without investment. 

Alex Thompson

Google Adsense refers to the ad-publishing system that displays Google Adwords in websites not owned by Google. It is the system where website owners sign up to get those advertisements placed on their site. With Google Adsense, website owners who wish to place ads on their site, have to first set up an account with Google. Once the site is approved, they can then display advertisements from the enormous database of Google Adwords. Google then pays the owner of the site displaying the ads. Google pays Adsense publishers based on a per click model - the percentage paid per click is secret, but high traffic websites can create a sizable revenue stream from Google Adsense.


Adsense is an Google product which people use for promotion and publicity on Google.


Google Adsense is a Google advertising product. By this we can earn money from our blog and website . In this technique Google takes some spaces to our blog and website for advertising products.


Google Ad sense is most successful way of earning money at your home without doing nothing. Just use this technique at your website and earn daily money.


Google's AdSense program lets you sell advertising space for other people's ads on your website--and not just any ads that Google chooses, but ads that are relevant to your site's content pages.


Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising program by Google. With AdWords, advertisers can promote their website's products and services on Google.with AdWords, you can set your own budget and change your campaigns at any time -there are no commitments or spending requirements of any kind.

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