What is google alert?

Started by Alex Thompson, September 19, 2013, 02:22:30 AM


Google Alerts are emails sent to you when Google finds new results -- such as web pages, newspaper articles, or blogs -- that match your search term. You can use Google Alerts to monitor anything on the Web.


Google alert is the free service offered by Google which provide you news related to any keyword/industry from specific source.  This service provides you facility to get how many updates and from how much time period. This service emails you the links of news/updates as it happens. You do not need to spend your extra  time in search the news for your related industry; it's just received in your mail regularly by using this service.

Saurabh Saxena

Quote from: anjali_talking on September 23, 2013, 05:23:04 AM
Google Alerts are emails sent to you when Google finds new results -- such as web pages, newspaper articles, or blogs -- that match your search term. You can use Google Alerts to monitor anything on the Web.

+1.......... this is exactly what i wanted to write here.


Google Alert is one of the great service which one is provided by Google, in this service, Google sends new updates regarding your interest to your Gmail I.D.


Google Alerts is one in every of Google's hidden gems. it is a extremely powerful tool to stay track of trends, attention-grabbing topics, or something extremely new that seems on the net. If you are not victimization it already, here square measure a couple of inventive ways that to induce started with it.

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