Sitemap in SEO

Started by seosbangalore, December 02, 2015, 07:22:55 AM



Both HTML and XML sitemap are important to have, after all we do not want the website to just accommodate the indexer but also real visitors.


XML sitemaps serve as a way to communicate directly with the search engines, alerting them to new or changed content very quickly and helping to ensure that the content is indexed faster.


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Sitemap is a very useful page to have in a website, it is meant to list out all the pages/URL's that is on a website. It is highly recommended in SEO because it makes the user experience much better and it makes it much easier for search engine bots to crawl all parts of the website, and even rank your web pages.


Sitemap is an XML file that is full of your individual webpage's URLs


HTML sitemap is a plain text sitemap used by browsers to know and surf through your website pages. XML sitemap is a coded sitemap used to submit in webmaster tool to help spiders crawl them and index the webpages in search engines.
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A sitemap is a file placed on your website in which you list the individual pages of your website. Search engines use sitemaps to index and understand your site and its architecture, while web users can utilize them to quickly find specific pages on your site.



A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website's content. Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important. ... It's usually in the form of an XML Sitemap that links to different pages on your website.


A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website's content. Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important. ... It's usually in the form of an XML Sitemap that links to different pages on your website.


In a nutshell, sitemaps enhance the ranking of a internet site in search engine effects, as a result boosting the search engine optimization efforts. whilst a internet site is ranked high on a seek engine results page, the website will become visible to a greater variety of net customers, as a consequence increasing the visitors to the website.


There are 2 types of sitemap that are mainly used in SEO one is XML based sitemap and other is HTML based sitemap, you can skip HTML based sitemap as it is mainly designed for users but XML based sitemap is very important as it is mainly designed for a different type of search engine and cralwers.


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