newly registered user. Please can you help with image sitemap

Started by soundssupreme, February 12, 2013, 03:35:12 PM


I have just registered after initially using it in trial mode some weeks ago. At the time I was trialling it, I made an image sitemap which google seems to have crawled, but in search results, it is showing all the elements of my web pages and not just the actual images.

So I purchased A1 to make a new image sitemap, thinking that I could pick which images to include in the sitemap this time. However, I cannot see the images in preview, when I try, I get this  error message :-

You don't have permission to access /images/100_1805.JPG on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request

Can you please tell me how I get the images to preview ? Has it got anything to do with my having hotlink protection in c-panel ?

Also, do I need a standard sitemap or does the image sitemap incorporate the standard sitemap. At the moment I have both on the site.


There are two folders showing errors in the left view pane, namely a folder called */ and one called +locationbar+

Both say they have a 404 not found error. However, I do not know what these folders are ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.



You should create both a standard XML sitemap and image sitemap

A1 Sitemap Generator will never include URLs that error (e.g. an image that error with 404 "not found" because a page linked to non-existing image-URL) in generated sitemaps. (So even if scan results show you error URLs, they will not be included in sitemaps.)

A1 Sitemap Generator can help you solve errors such as 404, see this help page for more info.

The included images will all be image URLs that do not error. (Of course, there is a chance that your website server errors at some points in time and not at other points in time. That is however quite rare.)

How would you like to preview images? Are you currently clicking the images in "analyze website" tab. If you are clicking image URLs that errored (because some pages linked to wrong URL addresses) they are automatically excluded from generated sitemaps.

If you still have problems, you can either post your website address here, or email details to support at:
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Thank you for writing back.

the web site is :-


I am looking through the analyze website tab and then clicking on the images folder to expand it. once there, if I click on an image it shows,  for instance, this :-

You don't have permission to access /images/100_1802.JPG on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

However, if I copy and paste the full image url that is given in the core data tab, then it shows in any browser.

How can I get to see those images in A1 so I can exclude the ones that are not important to the sitemap.

Also, what about those other files that I do not know what they are ? Any suggestions. Please use A1 to look for me and see if you can figure out the answers to my questions.

Thank you very much.

P.S. How do you turn on notifications for a topic ? In the notifications setting page, it says to click the "notify" button when viewing a post, but I can see no notify button. thanks


A1 Sitemap Generator will automatically leave out unwanted URLs when creating image sitemaps. (It will match up pages with images close to best possible. See help page for more info.)

I think that the reason your website blocks image viewing in A1SG is that your website requires "referer" field to match your site. (So image will only load for humans viewing your image if being on the page referencing the image.) The crawler fills this field automatically, but the "View file" does not.

I duplicated the problem by insert the image URLs directly info Firefox + IE, e.g.
Can you duplicate the problem if you insert above address directly into FireFox/IE?

I will try investigate possible solutions. But above is the reason :)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Thank you for your reply, however a lot of it went over my head, as I am not that knowledgeable on the technical aspects hence wanting this software in the first place.

I made a mistake in my earlier statement, assuming that the image would show in any browser, however the url will only show if using chrome. IE8 , Firefox and Opera won't show and gives the error message. That being the case, can't I change the browser that A1 uses for the view field within it's own interface, and surely then I will see the images ?

My only reason for wanting the software is for this precise reason, so I hope you can make it work for me please.

Also, you didn't answer how I subscribe to notifications of replies on this thread. Please let me know how to turn it on.

Thank you.


I have some ideas. Hopefully I will know more later today.

Regarding notificattions, there should be a button at bottom right corner of this screen. (Just enabled it for regular members. long time ago, I disabled all non-essentials, partly by mistake, when this forum had performance issues.)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Yes the notify button is there now. Thank you. I will patiently await you help for the image viewing problem. Thank you.


By the way.

If you insert directly into Chrome, it won't work there as well.

(I doubt it will work in any bwroswer. 99% chance your site checks there's a specific referer HTTP header in the request which there will never be when vewing an image directly. Infact, it may be that even Google can't access the image directly then. Depends on what system your website uses to deny access to images.)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Anyhow, solved it in private build now by inserting the domain as HTTP referer header. New 4.1.6 release soon.
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Quote from: Webhelpforums on February 14, 2013, 09:39:03 AM
By the way.

If you insert directly into Chrome, it won't work there as well.

(I doubt it will work in any bwroswer. 99% chance your site checks there's a specific referer HTTP header in the request which there will never be when vewing an image directly. Infact, it may be that even Google can't access the image directly then. Depends on what system your website uses to deny access to images.)

I am not understanding what is going on there, but yesterday, when I copied and pasted the url as shown in A1 and put it into chrome, it showed the image, but in ie8 or ff or opera it would not. Today it will not work in chrome either, but found that if put it in chrome without the prefix of www. or the http:// on some of the images it will show, but others show the error. For instance if I put into chrome :-

It will show, but if I put in :-

it will not show.

However, if I do the same for this image :-

it will not show with or without the www.

I have been into c-panel, and cannot find anything different bout them, they all say for "permissions" = 644 and for "type" = text/x-generic.

Any idea why this is, but in any case, please try it for yourself with those images.

I have installed the new build 4.1.6 but there is no change in A1 and I still cannot see the images, unless you are saying you are changing 4.1.6 to include the fix and haven't done it yet.


Your website is probably using "image hotlinking protection" by checking that the browser/crawler HTTP REFERER header mach the domain. I know that sounds a bit technical, but try search google for "image hotlinking protection" to see some examples.

Anyway, I am uploading version 4.1.6 update #1 now, so when you see this, it should be available for download :)
TechSEO360 |  | A1 Sitemap Generator, A1 Website Analyzer etc.


Quote from: Webhelpforums on February 14, 2013, 06:58:21 PM
Your website is probably using "image hotlinking protection" by checking that the browser/crawler HTTP REFERER header mach the domain. I know that sounds a bit technical, but try search google for "image hotlinking protection" to see some examples.

Anyway, I am uploading version 4.1.6 update #1 now, so when you see this, it should be available for download :)

Yes, I have got hotlink protection, and set it myself right from the start, but have a htaccess file in there to allow google and other search engines to look at the images. I didn't write it obviously, I had some help from a webmasters forum for that.
Anyway, your new update works ! Thank you very much, and great support, which I had in my trial period as well, which is why I went ahead and purchased this time.
Thanks again.


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