What is Use of disallow Tool..?

Started by swatijain22, December 01, 2018, 06:40:30 AM


Your link profile is one of your most important SEO assets. Protecting it with vigilance will help you to reap traffic and ranking dividends for years to come. The Disavow Tool is one more tool in your toolkit as an expert SEO or webmaster. You should know how to use it.


The reason is, this is a tool to be used as a last effort in trying to come back from a penalty when there are some links you tried to remove but simply cannot. Sending this report will put eyeballs on your site and bring unnecessary attention to your site.


The Disavow tool is part of Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) that allows websites to discount the value of an inbound link, helping to prevent against link-based penalties.
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Quote from: swatijain22 on December 01, 2018, 06:40:30 AM
Hello friends,

What is Use of disallow Tool..?

You can use this tools to disallows the spam links or unwanted links


disallow is basically is the kind of code which is use in Robots.txt file for disallow the pages which you won't to crawl by google bots. like
user-agent: *
disallow:  /admin
disallow:  /photos


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