Open on Local Disk

Started by Sher, August 21, 2011, 11:15:27 AM


I am attempting to use this program to download my site and open pages in Adobe to make changes and then upload the pages.  The site seemed to download however I can not figure out how to save and open the pages.  I am using the trial version until I can see if this will work for my needs.  Can anyone help me with this?



Please see this website website download tutorial - you can pick the path yourself where you want downloaded websites stored!

To open the downloaded page HTML files, just use any "File" / "Open" menu in your favorite text/HTML/Adobe editor, and navigate the open file dialog to where you chose to store the downloaded website.
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I have not been able to use Adobe editor to edit my site. But the simplest way to do downloaded page editing is by
1. right click on the page
2. click open with
3. click the program to use
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